We’ve all learned the critical role of testing capacity for the current national crisis and how far behind we are. There is some tentative good news on this front. The number of tests being conducted is rising rapidly. They are moving into the ballpark of daily testing numbers in South Korea, though of course the US has a population roughly six times greater than South Korea. Here are the very latest numbers compiled by the COVID-19 Tracking Project.
Here are a few key points to keep in mind. This is the best aggregate data I’m aware of. But it is dependent on state and in some cases county reporting. So it’s spotty and incomplete. But again, best we have and we believe fairly accurate and complete. Today’s numbers will continue to be updated through the day. So the 3/16 number will certainly go up. Possibly by a lot.
I discussed the COVID-19 Tracking Project here back in the misty distant days of March 7th. Here is their discussion of methodology, data practices, etc.