From TPM Reader BR …
I was hoping with AOC’s statement and the CBC backing Biden the other day we’d be converging on riding with Biden through the end.
I don’t care who the nominee is, I just want to win, and it made sense to me that Biden is it. In the last 24 hours a bunch of prominent Dems, elected and not, purposefully and not, undid the last week of progress towards that goal. That more than anything takes away my hope for the election. Biden stumbling didn’t bother me though it was his fault for creating this mess — he can, as he says, get back up — and as long as folks back him up and put in the work then we win.
But the fact that when the chips are down the party can’t get its act together doesn’t bode well for the election.
Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Clyburn, Sanders, AOC, and the other key leaders of factions of the party need to sit down at Camp David and sort this out. And then that’s it. This can’t go on any longer.