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From The Reporter’s Notebook
As Tierney Sneed reported, the route for GOP leaders to avert a shutdown is filled with potholes. Budget expert Stan Collender explained via email one way Republican hardliners can disrupt their plans: “The privileged motion to vacate the speakership—the US equivalent of a vote of no confidence—could be offered before the debate on the [continuing resolution that would fund the government], and my understanding is that that vote would take precedence over the [continuing resolution].”
Agree or Disagree?
Josh Marshall argues that “the DC press fixation” on the Hillary Clinton email story “manages to take completely innocuous developments and whip them into portentous new steps in the drama of wrongdoing.”
Say What?!
“If female Dalai Lama come, then that female must be attractive. Otherwise not much use.”
– The Dalai Lama could imagine a female successor, but only an attractive one.
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “Will Bernie be more effective at dealing with Congress? Despite his successful record in doing just that (from within), I don’t fool myself that any Democrat will be able to deal with the cancer of Congress as POTUS. But, since that is a point worth conceding from either side, what’s left is how well the next President will represent his/her own vision within the confines of power provided by a co-equal branch of government. Doing that requires the opposite of a compromise candidate. Triangulation will only lead to strangulation. Each of these two candidates has a deep enough record that we can pretty well guess what path they’ll choose to tread. As this understanding becomes more clearly enunciated, Bernie will gain. I still believe that he’s electable.”
Related: A 2013 Q&A with Bernie Sanders on TPM.
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What We’re Reading
This week, scientists in the Middle East accessed a seed bank designed for the apocalypse. (Slate)
Could fact-checking make politicians more honest? (Pacific Standard Magazine)
A study found that black patients fare better than white patients when both groups get the same healthcare. (The Los Angeles Times)