Cafe : Opinion

COVID-19 Might Not Sideline Expansion Of Ranked Choice Voting Reform In These Key States
The most well-known benefit of RCV is ensuring that the winner of an election receives support from the majority of voters. This is critical in heavily contested elections.
Nail In Coffin? Facing Toughest Race Yet, Collins Forced To Answer For Kavanaugh Vote
Susan Collins’ purported centrist credentials have relied in part on her stance as an advocate of reproductive rights. That sort of positioning works well in Maine. But, with her vote for Kavanaugh, Collins lost endorsements that could prove detrimental to her reelection.
November’s Election Could Strain Mechanics Of Democracy To The Breaking Point
During a pandemic, Election Day efficiency is all about poll workers: without enough poll workers, there won’t be enough polling places. Like almost every other city in the United States, it was clear that DC was going to lose a huge percentage of its poll workers in the primaries, because they skew older and are at higher risk for COVD-19. Those losses materialized as expected.
Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, served two four-year terms from 1913-1921. Among his accomplishments was the establishment of the Federal Reserve banking system and the creation of the Federal Trade Commission. He declared war on Germany in 1917, during World War I, and attended the Versailles Peace Conference ending the war. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 for his Fourteen Point peace plan and his work toward establishing the League of Nations.   (Photo by Oscar White/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images) Woodrow Wilson Was Even Worse Than You Think
An incorrigible white supremacist, his racism was fundamental even to his “idealistic” plans for a peaceful post-WWI world order.
Addressing Misconduct Will Require A Change in Police Culture. Is Police Leadership Up To The Challenge?
Policing must evolve, and it can do so by developing a Guardian culture.
Why Cops And Their ‘Unions’ Have No Place In The Labor Movement
We face a glaring contradiction with the inclusion of police in the labor movement. The struggle against racist oppression is crucial to labor’s cause, but the professionals of repression are included in one labor body after another.
Will FL’s System Of Felon Pay-To-Vote Disenfranchisement End In Time For November?
The decision to expedite Florida ex-felon voting case is a good sign for those hoping to vote in 2020.
How The GOP Gave Up On Governing In Order To Keep Winning Elections
The GOP's push to win elections at all costs opened the door to a new leader who would cement its status as a post-policy party.
The Cost To Save Our Democracy Is $4 Billion. McConnell Is Refusing To Pay It.
This chaos and voter suppression are entirely preventable. Secretaries of States and election officials should be doing everything in their power to expand mail-in voting, guarantee no-excuse absentee ballots, and expand early voting. And Congress should be providing them the resources to do so.
The US Has Become The World’s Top Exporter Of White Extremism
It’s time for the U.S. to confront this transnational movement.
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