Cafe : Opinion

It’s Time For Biden To Be More Specific On His Voting Rights Platform
Biden should be at the forefront of the democracy fight, especially as President Trump attempts to polarize voting by mail by promulgating myths about voter fraud. This requires a strong, clear, and detailed vision of what American democracy should look like. 
Super-Spreader Cops: Police Conduct, Crack Down On Protesters Endangers Everyone Amid COVID
In addition to the direct physical assaults of protesters at the hands of police, the use of tear gas, pepper spray and the arrests of citizens for non-serious alleged offenses has put us all at deeper risk of contracting the deadly and highly contagious coronavirus.
The Police Have Been Spying on Black Reporters and Activists for Years. I Know Because I’m One of Them.
NEW YORK, NY - JUNE 02: NYPD officers block the exit of the Manhattan Bridge as hundreds protesting police brutality and systemic racism attempt to cross into the borough of Manhattan from Brooklyn hours after a citywide curfew went into effect in New York City. Days of protest, sometimes violent, have followed in many cities across the country in response to the death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25th. (Photo by Scott Heins/Getty Images) I Cover Cops as an Investigative Reporter. Here Are Five Ways You Can Start Holding Your Department Accountable.
Which Was Better: The Movie Or The Book? A Debate For The Ages. Here’s TPM’s June Reading Recs
WI Dems Acted Quickly To Spur Voter Turnout In April. Can They Maintain That Momentum This Fall?
If the Wisconsin Democratic Party truly can learn and adapt on the fly, as it seems to have done in April, it could be a game-changer for the state and even the country.
Elections During A Crisis: Vote-By-Mail Is One Of Several Solutions
States should modify election procedures as necessary to deal with the rise of COVID 19. Having a diversity of avenues for voting in person, absentee, curbside, on site at hospitals and other such facilities enhances the stability of the system, maximizing the likelihood that elections may continue despite whatever unexpected threat emerges.
Dear Media Workers: Don’t Listen To Your Boss. Unionize Your Workplace.
You're going to hear a lot of misinformation. Don't be fooled.
Ongoing Outcry Over The Death Of Ahmaud Arbery Is Key To Returning Sovereignty To Black Americans
Certain Americans risk their lives when walking, driving, or jogging, while others can carry assault rifles into the Michigan statehouse in their unified protest. Such discrepancies point to the fact that although many enjoy some semblance of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, others are denied the right to life, period.
We Can’t Let Him Get Away With It: Trump Chose Wall Street Over Main Street
The Trump administration played a central role in crafting the CARES Act, a piece of legislation that has bailed out Wall Street and not Main Street. The designers of the CARES Act must be held responsible for their actions.
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