Ciara Torres-Spelliscy
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Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Predictably, Roberts Supreme Court continues its deregulation of money in politics.

If insurrectionists were trying to weasel out of jail time using the First Amendment, this new ruling suggests they should tap the brakes.

Politicians are not allowed to use campaign funds to pay for personal criminal defense.

This is not the first time Georgia has disenfranchised Black voters following a Black person's electoral success.

The most recent lesson in the materiality of corporate political spending is the behavior of publicly traded companies after the January 6th insurrection.

There’s a bigger issue in how election cases are litigated — namely, no one knows at the outset what standard a court is likely to apply, and that’s a real problem.

The Zervos case could be important in an election year because it could shed light on Trump’s mistreatment and alleged sexual assault of women for female voters who make up a key voting bloc.

The decision to expedite Florida ex-felon voting case is a good sign for those hoping to vote in 2020.

States should modify election procedures as necessary to deal with the rise of COVID 19. Having a diversity of avenues for voting in person, absentee, curbside, on site at hospitals and other such facilities enhances the stability of the system, maximizing the likelihood that elections may continue despite whatever unexpected threat emerges.