As Stephen Colbert noted on his show Wednesday evening, he has “long warned that America is under dire threat from creeping Sharia law.”
So the late-night host was interested in a recent story out of Tennessee, where several state lawmakers questioned whether a new sink installed in the statehouse was for Muslims to wash their feet in before prayer. The lawmakers were reassured that it’s actually just a mop sink. But Colbert’s fears were not allayed.
“Okay, that’s in layman’s terms,” Colbert said. “Okay, technically, custodians call it a ‘sink you put the mop in.’ So danger averted right? Wrong. Do not let your guard down, Tennessee lawmakers. Because, after all, what is a mop sink other than a Muslim mop bath?”
“Think about it,” Colbert continued. “A mop is nothing but a beard on a stick. Okay? It’s Osama bin Moppin’. Well, now, I say now that we have these Sharia mops in our custody, it’s time to find out exactly what they’re up to.”
Colbert goes on to waterboard a mop.