The Wisconsin National Guard said Monday that it’s looking into “inappropriate pictures” that were apparently taken during the funerals of soldiers.
According to television station WMSN, the photos in question were posted on a private Instagram account, which includes shots by a woman who’s ostensibly a member of the Funeral Honor Guard.
One photo, according to the station, shows a woman taking a selfie under a caption that made reference to the cold weather. Another photo (shown above) shows a group of soldiers posing near a flag-draped coffin.
“We put the FUN in funeral–your fearless honor guard from various states…” read the caption to the casket photo, according to WMSN.
The Wisconsin National Guard said in a statement on its Facebook page that it’s aware of the photos.
“It has come to the attention of the Wisconsin National Guard that a soldier may have posted inappropriate pictures and comments regarding their duties as a member of a Funeral Honor Guard,” the statement said. “We are currently looking into the matter. Thank you.”
(Photo from Instagram via