More than six in 10 Americans do not feel they have been sufficiently informed about the federal health care law that was passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in 2010, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Friday.
Sixty-two percent said they do not have adequate information “to understand what changes will occur” when the Affordable Care Act goes into effect, compared with 35 percent who said they do have the information necessary to understand the law.
The poll also found 52 percent of Americans opposed to the law and 55 percent who disapprove of Obama’s implementation. Forty-two percent said they support the law, while just 34 percent said they approve of the president’s implementation.
Defenders of health care reform have long contended that opposition to the Affordable Care Act stems from misinformation that has surrounded the law, a point that Obama made earlier this week.
A poll on Tuesday showed that support for the law among Republicans actually goes up when it’s referred to as the Affordable Care Act rather than “Obamacare.”