Multiple staffers have resigned at Al Jazeera’s Egyptian channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr, due to concerns the network’s coverage was biased in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to reports from Gulf News and Agence France-Presse. Gulf News said 22 staffers left Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr, including anchor Karem Mahmoud, who told the newspaper that management ordered the staff to favor the Muslim Brotherhood and said the push for “biased coverage” came from the channel’s parent company in Qatar.
“The management in Doha provokes sedition among the Egyptian people and has an agenda against Egypt and other Arab countries,” Mahmoud said.
AFP said “several” employees resigned and quoted an unnamed Al Jazeera official who attributed the departures to the staffers having “not adapted to the editorial line of Al-Jazeera, which refuses to bow to pressure and which continues its coverage with professionalism, regardless of who is in power.”