The day after Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald got in a heated exchange on Meet The Press with host David Gregory over whether he should be prosecuted for “aiding and abetting” Edward Snowden, Greenwald said the interview proved his longstanding belief — that Washington journalists are often too cozy with the politicians they’re supposed to be objectively covering.
“At some level, I feel like it’s Christmas and I’ve been given the greatest, best gift that I could wish for,” Greenwald told the Huffington Post Monday. “My critique of the D.C. media has long been that instead of being adversaries to government power — to the government and political power — they’re servants to it and mouthpieces for it.”
Greenwald added that Gregory was doing the Justice Department’s job by creating a “theory in public about why I, as a journalist, should be prosecuted” and “call[ing] into question that I’m a journalist at all.”
The exchange validated his “critique that they’re so in bed with the circles of political power over which they’re supposed to acting as watchdogs — that they really have become nothing more than just appendages.”