In an interview this week with Larry King, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld didn’t say definitively whether or not he supports same-sex marriage but he did suggest that gay nuptials could lead to polygamy.
Highlighting Rumsfeld’s support of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal, King wondered if the neoconservative is ready to back gay marriage too. Rumsfeld balked before invoking a slippery-slope argument that has long been wielded by marriage equality opponents.
“You know, I’m, I guess, of a generation that I don’t — I wonder — I listened to some of the Supreme Court justices and one of them said, ‘Well what’s next after that? Is it two people, three people?'” Rumsfeld said.
When King mentioned that he was a strong supporter of Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, Rumsfeld said he doesn’t “equate the two” movements.
h/t Think Progress