Fox News Host Eric Bolling on Thursday offered to pay for one week’s worth of White House tours after the administration temporarily suspended them due to cutbacks under sequestration. “If I can get the White House doors open, I will pick up the tab,” Bolling said on the Fox show “The Five.”
“Make you a deal. Jay Carney, grab a pencil. Let the families take the White House tours next week and I’ll cover the added expenses. The word is it’ll cost around $74,000. If I can get the White House doors open, I will pick up the tab. Mr. Carney, you know this is an offer you can’t refuse. Give me a call.”
Bolling made the offer after showing footage of school children in Iowa saying, “The White House is our house. Please let us visit” and remarking on President Obama’s willingness to pay for golf outings, Hawaii vacations and ski trips.
Co-host Greg Gutfeld chimed in: “I think we just realized that ‘The Five’ is not your primary source of income.”
“I care that much,” Bolling said.