In an interview with CNN published Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden defended the credentials of recent Obama nominees John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, who have been selected to lead the State and Defense department, respectively.
“Where have they (the critics) been for four years?” responded Biden in a recent exclusive interview with CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger. “The real President Obama has exercised force responsibly as boldly and as bravely as any president in American history. This is the guy who’s not backed away. And he’s also ended wars that almost every military man out there will tell you we should not be engaged in again.”
In the CNN interview, the vice president also defended Hagel and Secretary of State Designate John Kerry. “To suggest that two war heroes, one with a Bronze Star…a Purple Heart, Silver Star, taking over both the…State Department and Defense, is a dove or whatever the phrase was, is ridiculous.”