Politico reported on Tuesday that New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg has added a stable of Republican lobbyists to help push gun control on Capitol Hill.
His most high-profile endeavor — Mayors Against Illegal Guns — and the super PAC he created last year are likely to spend tens of millions of dollars over the next year. And MAIG is bringing on Republican lobbyists to help woo GOP lawmakers skittish about being at odds with the National Rifle Association.
They include Carl Thorsen, of Thorsen French Advocacy, a former counsel to former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas); Jamie Brown Hantman, president of the JBH Group and a former special assistant for legislative affairs to President George W. Bush; and Robert H. Marsh, of the OB-C Group, who also worked for Bush.
Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, confirmed the hires to TPM.