Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) continues to nurse a negative approval rating while his hopes for a second term look grim, according to a poll from Quinnipiac University released Wednesday.
The poll shows only 36 percent of Florida voters approve of the job Scott is doing, compared with 45 percent who disapprove. It’s familiar territory for the beleagued Scott, whose low approval rating has been a persistent trend throughout his first term.
The poll from Quinnipiac also indicates that Scott’s weak popularity could spell doom for his re-election prospects in 2014. A mere 30 percent of Florida voters said they believe the Republican deserves another term, while 52 percent said he does not. What’s more, 55 percent think that Scott should be challenged by someone from his own party.
The PollTracker Average provides a glimpse of the low approval ratings that have spanned Scott’s first term.