President Obama leads Republican nominee Mitt Romney by 3 points, 50 percent to 47 percent amongst likely voters in a new national poll from CNN. Obama led Romney by 6 points in CNN polling from mid-September, 52 percent to 46 percent. “That’s a strong suggestion that whatever bounce President Obama received from his convention has, as expected, faded away,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland told their website. “That’s why they call them ‘bounces’.”
While Obama’s lead has receeded slightly there is no enthusiasm gap in the poll — 64 percent of registered Democrats are excited to vote in November, while 65 percent of Republicans feel the same. From their analysis:
When it comes to issues, the survey indicates that Obama and Romney are effectively tied when likely voters are asked which candidate would best handle the economy. Romney, however, appears to have an edge on the top two economic issues: unemployment and the budget deficit. Obama, by contrast, has the advantage on a variety of non-economic domestic issues such as education, Medicare and health care, and also polls strongly on taxes, traditionally a GOP issue.
The PollTracker Average of the national race shows the president with a 3.8 percent lead.