Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday characterized the state of the campaign post-Paul Ryan’s entrance as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate “almost like running against an incumbent.”
“Rep. Ryan and his congressional Republicans, as one person said, have already done what the Gov. Romney is promising he will do for the nation,” Biden said at a campaign event in Danville, Va. “So this is one of those rare cases. It’s almost like running against an incumbent. Everybody knows what we stand for and what we want to do. We are making it clear as we can make it.”
Biden’s observation is part of a larger effort to tie the Romney to Rep. Paul Ryan’s legislative agenda which has dominated Republican politics since the 2010 midterm elections, and to define the ticket as extreme.
“So we know now,” Biden said. “Before, Gov. Romney had a tendency to be vague or change his position a lot. So this is a good thing for the country that we have this stark choice.”