A new poll from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling shows President Barack Obama with a tiny 1 point lead in the swing state of Florida, while Romney’s personal favorability rating has recovered slightly in the state. Obama gets 48 percent of the total to Romney’s 47 percent.
“Independent voters are responsible for much of the change in these numbers, as many have shifted sides in the last month and a half,” PPP wrote in its analysis.” While unaffiliated voters favored Obama by 9 points in June, they now favor Romney by 7, at 47% to 40%. This group has softened on Romney, who has experienced some pretty dismal favorability numbers this cycle, and now 42% have a favorable view of Romney compared to 48% who see him unfavorably.”
Overall, Romney’s favorability among Florida voters is up to 46 percent in the state, against 49 percent unfaovrable. PPP’s June poll of the state showed only 39 percent had a favorable impression of Romney, while 53 percent were down on him. The PollTracker Average of the presidential race in Florida shows President Obama up by 1.4 percent overall in one of the closest and most stable state races in the country.