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Poll: Independent Voters Want Obama To Keep Pressure On Banks

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Republicans have decried President Barack Obama’s policy proposals as socialist, anti-business and tantamount to class warfare, but if the results of a new poll are any indication, independent voters may have a different response to Obama’s populist posturing: do more.

A survey conducted by the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) and commissioned by the Campaign for a Fair Settlement, a coalition of various organizations seeking to hold certain banks accountable for their roles in the housing foreclosure crisis, shows that independent voters in five potential battleground states would like to see the Obama administration do more to hold banks accountable and police Wall Street.  The five states included in the survey — Nevada, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — will not only figure prominently in the 2012 presidential election; they were also among the most acutely affected by the housing crisis and ensuing recession.  

Significant majorities in all five states believe that some Wall Street executives were guilty of criminal actions in triggering the economic meltdown.  Moreover, majorities in each state also believe that the Obama administration — which has not filed a criminal charge against any top executive of a major financial institution —has not gone far enough in holding the banks accountable for their role in the housing collapse.  

“The President should heed the message independent voters are sending and show stronger leadership on housing,” Nish Suvarnakar, campaign manager for Campaign for a Fair Settlement, said in a statement. “Obama can help homeowners, his campaign and the overall economy by more aggressively pursuing banks’ criminal acts and supporting meaningful solutions for underwater homeowners.”

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