Evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of prominent evangelist Billy Graham, issued a statement Thursday saying that President Obama had “shaken his fist” at God in announcing his support of same-sex marriage.
The full statement, via the Charlotte Observer:
“On Tuesday my state of North Carolina became the 31st state to approve a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. While the move to pass amendments defining marriage is relatively new, the definition of marriage is 8,000 years old and was defined not by man, but by God Himself.
In changing his position from that of Senator/candidate Obama, President Obama has, in my view, shaken his fist at the same God who created and defined marriage. It grieves me that our president would now affirm same-sex marriage, though I believe it grieves God even more.
The institution of marriage should not be defined by presidents or polls, governors or the media. The definition was set long ago and changing legislation or policy will never change God’s definition. This is a sad day for America. May God help us.”
Voters in Graham’s home state of North Carolina approved Amendment One on Tuesday, banning same-sex marriage as well as civil unions.