A group of new polls from Quinnipiac University shows President Obama leading in Pennsylvania and Ohio, while former Massachusetts Gov. and likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is up in Florida. Obama outpaces Romney 47 – 39 in Pennsylvania, 44 – 42 in Ohio while Romney has a 44 – 43 edge in Florida.
“Romney’s ability to cut into the president’s leads in Ohio and Florida reflects two changes in the political environment,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute in a release. “First, since he is now the de facto nominee, Romney is no longer being attacked by his fellow Republicans, who are closing ranks behind him. Second, voter optimism about the economy has leveled off, reflecting economic statistics over the past month and the public reaction to them.”
President Obama’s approval rating follows the results closely — in Pennsylvania he has a positive 50 – 46 split, in Ohio he’s at 48 – 47, while in Florida he is underwater at 46 – 50. The TPM Poll Average shows a tight race in Ohio and Florida.