Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk has a new TV ad in the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall.
The ad pitches Falk to Democratic voters, while subtly rebutting two themes form her opponents: The allegation that she is too close to the public employee unions that have supported her candidacy; and the claim by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett’s campaign that he, not Falk, is the strongest Democrat.
“In the fight to defeat Scott Walker, we need a candidate who’s taken on the tough fights, and won,” the announcer says. “Kathleen Falk — the first woman to become Dane County Executive. She balanced the budget 14 years in a row. During tough times, Falk brought in 26,000 new jobs. She worked with the unions, and saved taxpayers $10 million, without taking away workers’ rights. When Wisconsin needs the strongest candidate to defeat Scott Walker, we turn to Kathleen Falk.”