Rasmussen: Santorum By Four In Pennsylvania GOP Primary

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A new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows home state former Senator Rick Santorum leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the Pennsylvania Republican primary, 42 to 38. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) sees seven and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is down to six percent support. A Public Policy Polling (D) survey released late Wednesday night showed Romney with a five point advantage, although polls over the last month have shown Santorum with a consistent lead.

But despite Santorum’s small lead in the PA primary, the poll shows even more data confirming that Republican voters are resigned to Romney as the eventual nominee. From Rasmussen:

Eighty-three percent (83%) of Republican primary voters in Pennsylvania now believe Romney will be the party’s presidential nominee. Only 10% think Santorum will emerge as the standard-bearer. Fifty-two percent (52%) feel Romney would be the strongest candidate against Obama, while 27% believe that of Santorum.

Seventy-eight percent (78%) think if Romney is nominated he is at least somewhat likely to defeat the incumbent, while 56% say the same of Santorum. But while 40% feel a Romney victory is Very Likely, only 24% believe Santorum is Very Likely to capture the White House.

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