Rick Santorum has a new TV ad, a positive spot in which he is pitched as the most electable Republican candidate — a clear play for one of the political cards that the Romney campaign has been playing.
“Who has the best chance to beat Obama? Rick Santorum,” the announcer says. “A full-spectrum conservative, Rick Santorum is rock solid on values issues; a favorite of the Tea Party for fighting corruption and taxpayer abuse; more foreign policy credentials than any candidate; and Rick’s ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ jobs plan will make America an economic superpower again. Rick Santorum — a trusted conservative who gives us the best chance to take back America.”
It should be noted that when the announcer touts Santorum’s foreign policy credentials, the on-screen text declares “Served 8 Years on Armed Services.” This particular phrasing might give the impression that Santorum is a veteran — which he was not — if the viewer did not realize that it is a reference to Santorum having served on the Senate Armed Services Committee.