Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Obama’s announcement to withdraw troops from Iraq “the right decision at the right time.” Here’s Reid’s full announcement:
“I commend the President for his announcement today and I fully support his decision to remove all American troops from Iraq by the end of this year. This is the right decision at the right time. The Iraqi people have demonstrated the capability to secure their own country, and it is time for us to leave. Since coming to office, the President has followed through on his commitment to wind down the war in Iraq, while continuing to achieve major gains in his strategy to decimate terrorist organizations and keep America safe.
“As we continue to focus on pressing threats like finishing off al Qaeda and the others who would do America harm, it is critical that we remember the 4,400 Americans who lost their lives, the tens of thousands more who were wounded, and all those who served in Iraq. As a nation, we have no more important duty than keeping our commitment to recognize their service, honor their memories, and support their families.”