So with Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) now gearing up to challenge party-switching Sen. Arlen Specter in the Democratic primary, what happens now to his House seat?
A Pennsylvania Democratic source says that state Rep. Bryan Lentz, an Iraq War veteran who had briefly run for the seat in 2006 before yielding to Sestak, will be in the race for sure. A Republican source points to Steven Welch, founder of biopharmaceutical manufacturing company Mitos Technologies, as a prospective candidate.
National Democrats feel reasonably optimistic about retaining the seat, as the district voted 56%-43% for Barack Obama. On the other hand, my GOP source does point out that it was closer in 2004, with Kerry winning it 53%-47%, and Republican Rep. Curt Weldon held the seat for quite a while before Sestak’s win in 2006.