New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, who is resigning in order to run for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in 2010, gave an interesting explanation to the Union Leader about an attack on her that’s come from Dem Gov. John Lynch’s office: That when he reappointed her, she promised to serve her full term through 2013, rather than resign to run for elective office.
“I would say that at the time of my reappointment no one could have predicted the political future. The political landscape has changed drastically since then,” said Ayotte. “Clearly the intent was to continue serving, but I think in fairness no one could have predicted the changes that have occurred on the political landscape.”
That really makes a lot of sense. You see, when Ayotte made the promise that she wouldn’t resign as Attorney General in order to run for something else, she didn’t realize that she might be a viable Senate candidate in the future.
Late Update: New Hampshire Dem chairman Raymond Buckley has released a statement that, among other things, compares Ayotte to Sarah Palin: “We’re seeing a national trend where Republicans have abandoned their responsibilities to their constituents in favor of political gain. From Alaska to New Hampshire, Republicans just can’t seem to honor their commitment to the public. Not unlike Sarah Palin, Kelly Ayotte has broken her promise to the people she represents and put politics before public service.”