Last night’s 60 Minutes provided a stark picture of the vast devastation and challenges faced by Haiti in the aftermath of last week’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake.
“The enormity of the bare numbers seems too much to comprehend: some 140,000 lie dead. Tens of thousands of bodies are still entombed beneath the rubble. And an ever-dwindling handful of survivors lie with them, trapped alive, awaiting either rescue or death,” the report began. “300,000 citizens of Port-au-Prince have no home but the streets. More than 3.5 million Haitians, according to the Red Cross, find their lives turned inside-out by the quake and its aftermath.”
While relief efforts are underway and picking up steam, “the tragedy of Haiti and the scope of the response are not something that can be totaled in numbers.” 60 Minutes‘ Byron Pitts reports on the huge challenges Haitian hospitals face and the efforts of the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division to help rescue, feed and protect citizens: