A new poll out of Kentucky shows Democratic Senate nominee Jack Conway closing the gap with his Republican counterpart, Rand Paul. The race stands as essentially a dead heat, according to the poll, with Conway just barely ahead 41.7-41.2.
The survey of 801 likely voters was conducted Aug. 16-18 by Braun Research on behalf of Kentucky cable news channel CN2. The margin of error is 3.46%.
The new poll shows a big swing toward Conway. The last Braun research poll, from August 4, showed Paul leading Conway 40.6-31.4.
Other recent polling has shown Paul with a lead in the contest. The TPM Poll Average shows the Republican ahead 45.4-41.0.
But the numbers also show that Conway could be making up ground against the Republican. Check out the polling trendline:
For its part, the Paul campaign dismissed the CN2 poll in an interview with the channel today. Democrats, to no one’s surprise, said the numbers justified their strategy against Paul.