Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who is running as a write-in candidate after she lost the Republican primary to Tea Party-backed lawyer Joe Miller, has a new pair of ads aimed at both selling her candidacy to voters — and reminding them how to spell her name.
In one ad, a classroom of voters at the “Spelling Clinic” are told to correctly fill in the write-in oval and spell Murkowski’s name.
While they are at work, the bemused instructor says to the camera: “Some outsiders say Alaskans aren’t smart enough.”
The other ad goes on the offensive by attacking the Tea Party Express group, which spent heavily in support of Miller in the primary. The ad shows voters on the street denouncing the group — and pointing out that they’re based in California. “Well whose Senate seat would it be?” a woman asks. “Alaska’s or California’s?”
The voters in the ad also say how to spell Murkowski’s name: “M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I.”