West Virginia GOPers Want To Make Enforcing Obamacare A Felony

House Speaker Tim Miley opens the first session of the House of Delegates this year with several strikes of the gavel, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014 in Charleston, W.Va. (AP Photo/The Daily Mail, Craig Cunningham)
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Republicans in West Virginia’s House of Delegates are pushing legislation that would make it a crime to enforce Obamacare in the state, according to The Charleston Gazette.

The bill makes it a felony for federal employees to enforce Obamacare, and state workers would be charged with a misdemeanor, for attempting to implement federal regulations through Obamacare. The bill also declares Obamacare “invalid” in the state, according to the Gazette.

The proposal was taken up by the House Health and Human Resources Committee on Tuesday. However, a lawyer for the committee admitted that it might be unconstitutional to actually prosecute federal or state workers over administering Obamcare. It could also put health insurance for thousands of West Virginians who benefit from the law into jeopardy.

Six Republicans in the House are cosponsoring the bill: Larry Faircloth, Kayla Kessinger, Michael Ihle, Pat McGeehan, Michael Moffat, and Josh Nelson. Most of those are aligned with the Tea Party wing of the West Virginia GOP.

As TPM has previously reported, now-Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) once said she supporting arresting federal officials for trying to enforce Obamacare.

(Pictured: The West Virginia House of Delegates)

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for estamm estamm says:

    Jeez, don’t people proofread before hitting the ‘publish’ button? That said, this bill is obviously unconstitutional. Next there will be a bill calling for secession.

  2. This just in: West Virginia also hopes to distinguish itself by being one of only a dozen or so states that would permit concealed carry of a firearm without requiring any goddamned permit whatsoever.

    UPDATE: the group known as “Al Shabaab Right to Carry” is rumored to have opened up a field office in the Morgantown Mall.

  3. Avatar for mcbain mcbain says:

    Yet another example of how conservatives just love the Constitution and fully support everything in it. Well, except for the parts that make them do something they don’t like - those parts of the Constitution don’t count.

  4. Which would be ironic, given the reason West Virginia exists in the first place

  5. West Virginian Republicans are like a reverse toilet with no shutoff.

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