Fox Host Thinks America Needs ‘Older White Guy Appreciation Day’ (VIDEO)

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“Fox And Friends Sunday” host Tucker Carlson thinks older white guys deserve a little credit.

Dana Perino joined the show Sunday morning to discuss the midterm elections and the Republican party’s demographic challenges.

“It’s been beaten into our heads: You’re too old, you’re too white, you’re too male. And that is true demographically across the board,” she said.

But she added that young Republicans “gave up their entire summers to help older white guys get re-elected and they deserve a little credit.”

At that point Carlson jumped in with his idea for a new holiday.

“We need an older white guy appreciation day. I think they’ve done a lot for this country,” he said.

“Penicillin! That’s a contribution,” he declared.

Watch the clip via Media Matters:

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Notable Replies

  1. Tucker, go fuck yourself!!!

    These fluffers at Fox need to get a life. Is Tucker looking for a sugardaddy?

  2. Older white guys already got 365 days (with an extra day every presidential election year). What more do they want? Huh?

  3. Avatar for marby marby says:

    I do give credit to older, white guys - specifically to my elderly Dad. However, I don’t think he is the kind of man FOX wants to honor. My Dad fought for the rights of workers, believes in quality public education and access to health care for all, respects women, (He educated and encouraged all of his daughters to be independent, hard-working, and successful) and really believes that we are ALL God’s children and deserve equal treatment.

  4. Avatar for jw1 jw1 says:

    Isn’t that already in practice?
    Other than Black History Month and Cinco de Mayoright?!

    We privileged WASP-y MFers get what?
    336 days a year already-- correct?

    Eh. What would 337 hurt?


  5. But what would they be appreciated for…stealing the equity in your home maybe…I don’t know…

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