Donald Trump went after the Clintons Thursday over another Wikileaks document revelation, a memo from Bill Clinton aide Doug Band detailing how he had raised money for the Clinton Foundation and secured personal income for Bill Clinton.
During his rally in Springfield, Ohio, Trump called the memo more evidence of Clintons being “corrupt.”
“The more emails Wikileaks releases, the more lines between the Clinton Foundation, the secretary of state’s office, and the Clintons’ personal finances, they all get blurred,” Trump said. “Just today we read about Clinton confidante Doug Brand [sic] bragging that he had funneled tens of millions of dollars to Bill Clinton, Inc., through the foundation donations, paid speeches and consulting contracts.”
“Mr. Band called the arrangement unorthodox. The rest of us call it outright corrupt,” Trump added. “If the Clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise when they weren’t in the White House, just imagine what they’ll do given the chance to once again control the Oval Office.”
Trump was referring to a 13-page memo allegedly from Band released by Wikileaks, in which Band described how, while running his consulting firm Teneo, he pushed his clients to donate to the Clinton Foundation and to contribute to Bill Clinton’s personal income. Band referred to his efforts to secure money for the Foundation and the former president as “Bill Clinton Inc.” Band wrote the memo while the Clinton Foundation had lawyers reviewing its practices and after Chelsea Clinton expressed concern about Band’s role running Teneo.
During the Ohio rally, Trump called Hillary Clinton “the most corrupt person ever to seek the office of the presidency” to cheers from the crowd.
He then told the crowd that he plans to “end corruption” in Washington.
“If we win on November 8th —” Trump began before the crowd corrected him.
“Okay, when we win on November 8th —” Trump then said before digressing to his performance in the polls.
He finally finished his point about corruption, saying, “When we win, we are going to Washington, D.C., and we are going to drain the swamp.”
I’ll type slowly so you can keep up, Donnie…
“If/when we win…” Another news flash, Donald, it’s not going to happen! Keep clapping, and maybe Tinkerbell will come back, but you are never going to sit in the Oval Office. Once again, “denial” is not just a river in Egypt.
Nothing so far has tied Clinton Foundation business to the Secretary of State’s office in any way that would have been normal without the Foundation in the story. But the right and the media keep acting as if there is
Oh no?
Clinton Foundation Accepted Swiss Bank Money After Hillary Negotiated Settlement
I’m sure not going to vote for Bill this time. /snark