Ted Cruz’s Wife Talks Up His 2016 Chances In An Iowa Women’s Restroom

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sits in the front row with his wife Heidi before speaking at a town hall event at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, Wednesday, April 1, 2015. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)
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Ted Cruz’s wife attempted to garner supporters for her husband while in the women’s restroom at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, the Des Moines Register reported on Thursday.

“Go to his website and there are all sorts of position papers,” Heidi Cruz reportedly said.

Cruz’s dedicated wife could be heard talking about what a nice guy “Ted” was and extolling his beliefs, according to the paper.

“We are an open book,” Heidi Cruz reportedly told a Des Moines Register reporter who was washing her hands. “We’re here to talk to everyone.”

Heidi Cruz reportedly posed with potential voters and discussed President Obama, immigration reform and even her children with the ladies in the restroom.

Cruz announced his 2016 candidacy on March 23 at an event at Liberty University in Virginia. Heidi Cruz took leave from a career with Goldman Sachs to go on the campaign trail with her husband.

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  1. I’m sorry, but I thought she’d be too terrified to use a public restroom…you know, with all those “men dressed as women” who “lurk in women’s restrooms” waiting to assault women?

    Plus, if she tried that with me, I’d probably point out that I can’t stand her husband and that I don’t give a crap if he’s a good man or not because what he wants to do is make absolutely sure that me, like all other women, get forced into straight marriages where we stay home and have babies for men we probably end up loathing and no complaining when we get beaten for burning the toast.

  2. IF TEd CRUZ siDLEd up TO the URINAL next TO ME in a Men’s RESTROOM, I’d WELCOME the CHANCE to SHAke HIS hanD and LET HIm know HE’d maKE a FINE preSIDEnt!1!1!!1!!!one!1!!1!!!

  3. “We are an open book,” Heidi Cruz reportedly told a Des Moines Register
    reporter who was washing her hands. “We’re here to talk to everyone.”

    Yikes! No politician is an “open book”. Honesty is in real short supply in that profession. I pray Ted takes the Honesty tact in his campaign. I mean look at how well it worked for Barry Goldwater in '64.

  4. I can think of no better place to express one’s opinion of Ted Cruz.

  5. So Mrs. Cruz is stalking women in the ladies’ rooms of ‘real Murika’, extolling the pompusness of her husband. Assuring women everywhere that Ted is interested in their lady parts, lady concerns and lady jobs. No fear, Ted will wave his magic trans vaginal ultrasound wand and slay all the spiders in a ladies’ life.

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