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Colbert Introduces America’s Saddest Libertarians: ‘A-holes For Freedom’ (VIDEO)

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Stephen Colbert on Wednesday discovered a crack squad of small-government heroes fighting back against parking meters on his show’s regular feature, “Difference Makers.”

“The Colbert Report” peered into the town of Keene, New Hampshire, home to a radical libertarian movement of three people, whom Colbert dubbed “The Free Keene Squad” over a 1970s-tinged funk theme.

The main front in the trio’s crusade for liberty involved harassing the town’s parking meter maids, whom they viewed as the shock troops of a tyrannical city government.

Footage shot by the young men show them shouting constant abuse at meter attendants and running in front of them to refill the meters. Or, as Colbert put it, “annoying for liberty.”

“Free Keene claims they’re freeing Keene from something,” city council member Randy Filio said. “Most of us that have lived here all of our lives really haven’t figured that part out yet.”

Colbert couldn’t deny they were “total dicks,” but admired the squad’s courageous small-government philosophy.

“Okay, granted, these guys are a-holes. But they’re a-holes for freedom,” the host insisted.

Watch the clip, courtesy of Comedy Central:

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Notable Replies

  1. Douchetastic!

  2. Avatar for jsfox jsfox says:

    Poor Keene first the Pumpkin Fest riots and now these dweebs. As a NH Resident I am feeling a bit sorry the town at the moment. With that said, I am off to Keene to pick-up some wood trim for a table I am building.

  3. This is fantastic research. In a nation of 300 million the Colbert people found the three biggest douches, or biggest douche per 100 million people. And the three also happen to be perfect, unimprovable-upon examples of the douchieness that’s infected the right in this country. Barry Goldwater would grab these guys and knock their heads together, and I’d be glad to help.

  4. Avatar for wombat wombat says:

    Maybe a little civic involvement wouldn’t hurt these dweebs. We’re not a dictatorship (Libtard rhetoric to the contrary) so one can get involved in city government. Most of what small cities are involved with is providing simple services and finding the funding sources for these service projects— mostly filling in pot holes, storm drains and sewer services. It costs $$$$ to put in new sewage pipes all so Libertarians don’t have to just squat and leave it. Is this what Libertarian 'small government, is all about— everybody providing their own sewage services.

  5. What I don’t understand is why all the libertarians haven’t emigrated to Somalia. There are no parking meters in Somalia.

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