Conservative CNN Host Tells Bill Nye That ‘Science Guys’ Are Bullies (VIDEO)

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Bill Nye, the “Science Guy,” took on CNN “Crossfire” host S.E. Cupp and a Heritage Foundation economist in a debate on climate change on Tuesday, following the release of a new White House climate change report.

Cupp accused the White House of using “scare tactics” with the American public on climate change, arguing that the current strategy has not moved public opinion.

After Nye discussed the potential economic impacts of global warming, Heritage economist Nicholas Loris jumped in to argue that the extreme weather trends are “uncertain.”

“I’m not a denier, I’m not a skeptic. What I’m saying is, climate is changing — yes, man-made emission are in some part to that — but we haven’t seen these extreme weather event trends. The observed data doesn’t prove that,” Loris said, adding that he thinks the economic costs of regulations could hurt the U.S.

“So let’s just start with, we don’t agree on the facts,” Nye responded. “This third report came out, saying it’s very serious, you say no. There’s the essence of the problem, S.E.”

Cupp then interjected to call scientists bullies.

“Isn’t it a problem when science guys attempt to bully other people?” Cupp asked Nye. “Nick here had to say, ‘I’m not a denier.’ He had to get it out: ‘I’m not a denier.’ Because really, the science group has tried to shame anyone who dares question this, and the point I’m trying to make is, it’s not working with the public.”

Watch a clip from the debate via Raw Story:

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Notable Replies

  1. It’s the bow tie. It’s like a science hoodie. He’s such a big bully, he’s lucky someone didn’t shoot him under stand your ground rules.

  2. Not only are they bullies, but they are sissies too. They are atheist sissy bullies! Hooray!!! We need more!

  3. I absolutely loathe SE Cupp. She’s an absolute fool, an asshole who is even more Gingrichian than Gingrich. Matt Kibbe could outsmart her. I can’t even fathom the level of stupidity one has to posses to claim science guys, a group universally known as nerds, are bullies because they insist on facts. I bet she thinks math teachers are tyrants when they insist 2+2=4. And the culture of perpetual victimhood rolls on.

  4. Yeah!! Bullies all of them! Forcing their ideas on us with repeated studies, backed up by facts, and adherence to the scientific method. Just mean stupid poo poo heads.

  5. Unlike religious fanatics, scientists have a long history of imposing their beliefs on others through force and coercion. Remember when Ferdinand and Isabella deputized thousands of scientists to torture climate skeptics and evolution-deniers? QED, bitches.

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