Three years ago, crowds of protestors filled Wisconsin’s State Capitol building to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) proposed rollback of state employees’ collective bargaining rights. The drama became national, even international, news, and Walker’s proposal eventually passed.
But on Wednesday, Walker did his state employees a solid. He proclaimed May 7, 2014 to be “State Employee Recognition Day.”
“Thank you for the good work that you do for the State of Wisconsin,” Walker said in a video released by his office. “Over the years, I’ve met some amazing people who do incredible jobs for our state government.”
In an official proclamation, Walker encouraged “all our citizens to express appreciation to our state employees for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to public service.”
Governor Scott Walker statement for Employee Recognition Day from Governor Scott Walker on Vimeo.
Translation: I’m up for re-election this year and I figured a meaningless gesture like this might fool some of you."
Oh my god that one is just so rich. Can you smell the irony? What a phony.
Gov. Koch Filth recognizes his moral and intellectual superiors.
What a phoney sanctimonious piece of sh*t boy scout impersonating fascist douche-nozzle.
“State Employee Recognition Day” – as in “Oh, yes, state employees. I recognize you. You’re the ones I fucked over.”