Former two-time Republican presidential candidate and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry came out of his post-candidacy retirement to speak to 2015 Values Voter Summit on Friday.
“We don’t elect kings,” Perry told the audience of social conservatives in Washington, D.C. “We overthrow them.”
“We can’t sacrifice our principles for the cult of personality. The message has always been greater than the individual,” he said in a veiled reference to current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
Perry said the country saw “righteous indignation” at Pearl Harbor and the Lincoln Memorial, but, “There is a difference between right indignation and unconstrained anger.”
I don’t know about Perry, but I have never experienced righteous indignation at the Lincoln Memorial.
Rick puts on his Smart Glasses© to talk to the Values Voters!!! Rick!!!
ya can’t ‘sacrifice’ what you don’t have…
CURIous. SiNCe REPUBlicans ARE the PARTY of LIncoln. I can IMAGINe LIbtards experiencing RIGHTEOUS indignation SINCe they Are THE PARty OF racISTs and NOT Lincoln because HE’s a REPublicaN.
Is Perry on the maple syrup again?