Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man Ranting About Obama’s Gun Control Policy

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Police shot and killed a California man who opened fire on an apartment building Tuesday night while ranting incoherently about President Obama’s new gun control policy.

Officers responded around 6 p.m. Tuesday to reports of shots fired at an apartment complex in Redding, California, according to a statement from the Shasta County Sheriff’s Department. An adult white man, who has not been publicly identified, repeatedly opened his apartment door to yell at police officers about Obama, and wouldn’t comply with the officers’ requests.

Responding officers tried to subdue the man by shooting bean bag rounds and then with a K-9 unit. When the man left the apartment and pointed his handgun at police, nine officers “engaged the suspect with handguns and rifles,” the statement said. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Kathy Lunsford, a resident in the apartments, said the man grabbed her and pulled her into the apartment before police were called.

“As soon as he shut the door, he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead,” Lunsford told Redding’s Record Searchlight, saying while she’d spoken to the man before, they were not friends.

He then picked up a gun and shot toward someone standing outside the door, she said. Later, Lunsford said the suspect, clad in gray sweatpants and no shirt, “just got sloppy and started shooting everywhere.”

Another neighborhood resident told the paper the man came out “screaming ‘Obama! Obama! Obama!’”

h/t RawStory

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  1. Fox: Patriots are dying out there. Obama’s witch hunt for Whites continues.

  2. I want to see the K-9 launcher they used after launching bean bags

  3. Avatar for dnl dnl says:


  4. Avatar for chammy chammy says:

    Sorry folks, but I’m glad he’s dead. One less crazy to worry about Redding California is a small town where survivalist type people live.

  5. “Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man Ranting About Obama’s Gun Control Policy”


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