Pro-Obama Super PAC Mocks GOP: ‘How To Talk To Women’ (VIDEO)

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The pro-Obama American Bridge super PAC is out with a new web video Tuesday poking fun at House Republicans over the National Republican Congressional Committee meeting with aides of incumbent lawmakers to train them in “messaging against women opponents.”

The NRCC effort is meant to prevent lawmakers from making crippling gaffes like Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) saying that the female body has a way of shutting down a pregnancy if it’s the result of “legitimate rape.” 

The American Bridge video splices together clips of Republican lawmakers making eyebrow raising statements such as State Treasurer Richard Mourdock (R) saying that pregnancy resulting from rape is still “something that God intended to happen.” Other lawmakers in the video include former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ( R). 

“So remember, you don’t need to change your conservative views just because women voters find them horribly offensive,” a voiceover in the video concludes. “Just change how you talk about them.”

(Photo credit: American Bridge PAC

Watch the video below: 

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