After Norfolk, Neb. residents and the state Democratic Party decried a July 4 parade float depicting Obama’s presidential library as an outhouse, the town’s parade committee said it will not change its rules for float entries.
The float featured a wooden outhouse with a sign that read “Obama Presidential Library,” with an overall-clad dummy attached.
In a Sunday meeting, the parade committee voted against changing its policy from only banning “morally objectionable” floats that are lewd or contain nudity, according to the Journal Star.
“We all agree here that we aren’t going to tell someone what they can and can’t enter,” parade emcee Wally Sonnenschein said on Monday. “There are plenty of people who support our defense of freedom of speech.”
Norfolk resident Dale Remmich created the controversial float and defended it in an interview with the Norfolk Daily News.
“I am not a hate-monger. I am not a racist. This float was not disrespectful of the office of the presidency. I am sorry if there was misunderstanding about that,” Remmich said.
The Nebraska Democratic Party had denounced the float as one of the “worst shows of racism and disrespect for the office of the presidency that Nebraska has ever seen.”
Remmich also tried to clear up a misunderstanding about the float. He said the mannequin depicted himself, not President Obama.
“I’ve got my bibs on, my walker, I’m covering my ears and I’m turning a bit green — I intended it to look like a zombie who has had enough,” he explained.
Here’s what the spineless shit of a mayor said which seems to be mostly a defense of what the racists did. But at least she said she was “disappointed.”
I imagine the decision would have been a bit different if it had said “Billy-Bobs Baptist Church” instead of “Obama Presidential Library.”
Yeah well I say phuck all of those racist pond scum slime. They deserve to live in a hell hole called Nebraska.
This is not even an original gag. Been done several times already.
I bet you won’t see any floats mocking the State Religion–the University of Nebraska football program. For what it’s worth Norfolk’s claim to fame was being Johnny Carson’s home town–I assume the float was a reference to the Here’s Johnny line that the Carson show was famous for–and when applied to an outhouse resulted in a suit by him.