On Tuesday night, dad-in-chief President Obama released a video through BuzzFeed News advising his viewers a little perspective and critical distance for the 2016 election.
“Let’s face it: This has been an exhausting, stressful, and sometimes downright weird election for all of us,” Obama said in the video.
“But here’s what I want everybody to know. While we’ve certainly seen some new things this time around, what isn’t new is that our democracy has always been rowdy and raucous. We’ve been through tough and divisive elections before, and we’ve always come out stronger for it,” Obama said.
“And remember: no matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning and America will still be the greatest nation on earth.”
President Obama has a special #ElectionNight message for you: “No matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning” pic.twitter.com/OPH39vqvHE
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) November 9, 2016
Fuck the Democrats for foisting a 90’s era centrist dem on us.
Fuck the Ds for promulgating an insurance company-friendly healthcare plan that raised rates for some 25% right before the election.
Fuck the Democrats for being mealy-mouthed on climate change.
Fuck the Democrats for being more bellicose than the Republicans.
Fuck the Democrats for writing off Trump supporters as mere philistines w/o any legitimate economic grievances.
Fuck TPM and its (apparently) core readers who ignored the warning signs from months ago.
Fuck the HRC supporters who touted her overwhelming support among minorities
Fuck Obama for his milquetoast centrist Democrat - and smug! - campaigning.
(Oh, I’m sorry! His “No More Fucks to Give!” campaigning.)
Fuck this country for electing, maybe, probably - who knows? - “President FUCKING TRUMP”.
I apologize in advance to my friends for linking to them.
@darcy @michandaro
NYT has Trump with an 80% chance of winning now.
Right now to a lot of countries, we are not the greatest country in the world.
Berniebots, for sure. How else can you explain a 10 pt lose in Ohio when she’s the most qualified candidate ever?
of course it’s all on us.