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New Republic Tweets ‘F**k Me Daddy’ At Trump Thanks To Patricia Lockwood

In this Jan. 19,, 2016, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles after speaking at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit in Altoona, Iowa. Trump and some mainstream Republicans are engaged in a long-dis... In this Jan. 19,, 2016, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles after speaking at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit in Altoona, Iowa. Trump and some mainstream Republicans are engaged in a long-distance flirtation. Both sides are coming to the realization that they'll need each other if the billionaire businessman becomes the party's presidential nominee. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) MORE LESS
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What a time to be alive.

Shortly after 1 p.m. ET on April 5, 2016, the 102-year-old liberal magazine The New Republic tweeted “fuck me daddy” at Donald Trump’s verified Twitter account.

The off-color tweet went out while writer and poet Patricia Lockwood was helming the institutional Twitter account following her widely circulated outsider’s account of a recent Trump campaign rally for the magazine.

The tweet was quickly deleted, which drew nearly as much notice as the original message. Lockwood tweeted from the account that her tenure running @NewRepublic was up not long after, sparking speculation that the magazine pulled the plug.

Weird internet memes are kind of awkward to explain, but here goes: teens and other Weird Twitter users are fond of tweeting “fuck me daddy” as a reply to famous people’s tweets. It’s a fun game for a very particular kind of internet user – Pope Francis’ account is a favorite target – and unfunny or offensive to the rest.

Reached on Twitter by TPM, Lockwood said her signing off was “not a bit” related to the tweet and that it was the last thing she tweeted before signing off. Lockwood told New York Magazine she hoped the billionaire would mistake the message for a quote of his own “and retweet it with extreme approbation,” something he’s done in the past.

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  1. Funny thing. That’s what Drumpf makes Melanoma scream once a month. It’s in the pre-nup. Six points larger than the rest of the document, in bold-face type.

  2. For a brief moment there … I almost opened an account —

  3. i got an explanation in regards to those three words, but I don’t know if its the ‘Twittah machine’ at work or is it that idea that typing that is supposedly trolling.

  4. I do too but I’m OK with it in this instance. I envy the young their energy and so forth. I don’t especially feel left out because I don’t think it’s funny to tweet “Fuck me daddy” at the pope. Actually I always thought people who thought purely incongruous stuff like that was funny didn’t entirely understand humor in the first place.

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