National Review On Wendy Davis: ‘Maybe She Didn’t’ Have An Abortion

Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis speaks to reporters at her campaign office in McAllen, Texas on Saturday, Aug. 30, 2014. (AP Photo/The McAllen Monitor, Gabe Hernandez)
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A piece at National Review is questioning whether Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis’s story about having an abortion in 1997 and fell into “deep, dark despair” afterward is real.

The piece, by Dustin Siggins, a D.C. correspondent for LifeSiteNews and previously a blogger for the Tea Party Patriots group, casts doubt that Davis’s admission, which came out in her new book “Forgetting to Be Afraid,” is real as it includes “unverifiable personal” details.

Siggins writes that while some “offered compassion” over Davis’s story, others have questioned the timing — during the heart of campaign season when Davis trails Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott.

Siggins lists a number of statistics that abortions make a mother more likely to suffer from mental illness. In particular, he highlights a 2004 Guttmacher Institute survey that found just 4 percent of women who had abortions said their primary reason for having the abortion was “physical problems with” their health. Another tiny 3 percent said the reason was “problems affecting the health of the” child.

In her book, Davis wrote about having two abortions. The latest one in the 1990s after she found out that the brain of the fetus had a severe abnormality — it developed completely apart on the right and left sides, according to Davis. She also wrote in the book that she ended a previous ectopic pregnancy — which is where the embryo is outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. Such a pregnancy is not viable and is a threat to the woman’s life.

Siggins then quotes Texas Right to Life’s Emily Horne saying “it is extremely rare — if not non-existent — for a woman to have an abortion because the pregnancy posed a risk to her life. As for fetal anomalies, it simply isn’t necessary to abort a child because he or she is sick or has a medical condition.”

“It would be disturbing to think that she may be using her abortions as a way to gain political favor with Democratic voters,” Horne continued.

“The Davis campaign did not respond to questions about whether Davis’s highly unusual abortions were matched by any medical evidence, doctor statements, or public verification from her ex-husband or two daughters,” Siggins wrote.

Siggins concluded the piece arguing there’s reason to cast doubt on Davis’ claim.

“Maybe she had the abortion, maybe she didn’t,” Siggins wrote. “Maybe her reasons were as compelling as she claims. But the reasons Davis gives for having had her abortions are unproven and statistically unlikely.”

Asked about Siggins’ suspicions in an interview with MSNBC Davis said “My family would give anything for this not to be a true story in our lives. We would give anything for that.”

(H/t: Irin Carmon)

This story has been updated.

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  1. This is the dumbest attack ever.

  2. Avatar for iann iann says:

    Show us your birth certificate…I mean medical records!

  3. More paranoid, cynical RWNJ speculation crawls out of the fever swamp.

  4. When Teabaggers are faced with the ACTUAL agonizing decision of whether or not to have an abortion and it’s not their mistresses, they start pulling out stuff like this. They do it all the time.

  5. “Maybe she had the abortion, maybe she didn’t,” Siggins wrote

    WTF? I didn’t realize that it was possible to create digital toilet paper, but congrats NRO!

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