Naomi Wolf Suggests ISIL Beheading Videos May Have Been Staged

Naomi Wolf - March 25, 2014 - The New York Premiere of Radius-TWC's, THE UNKNOWN KNOWN held at Museum of Arts and Design, New York. (Photo by Jimi Celeste/Patrick McMullan/Sipa USA)
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Journalist and author Naomi Wolf suggested Saturday that videos of Islamic State militants beheading American and British hostages may have been staged.

The news site Vox flagged a series of Facebook posts in which Wolf questioned the authenticity of the videos, going as far as to imply that they were staged and that both the hostages and their parents were actors.

Wolf later deleted the post at the request of a New York Times reporter, whom Vox identified as foreign correspondent Rukmini Callimachi, after the reporter explained that the hostages’ abductions had been under a media blackout for two years.

Wolf went on to write several other posts insisting she was not “calling into question the authenticity of the ISIS videos” while arguing independent verification was indeed necessary to authenticate the recorded beheadings. Wolf accused the news media of “badly distorting” her comments Sunday in a rather lengthy, elliptical post and further tried to silence her critics by citing the insight she gained into how political narratives are crafted while advising former President Bill Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore.

“So all the people who are attacking me right now for ‘conspiracy theories’ have no idea what they are talking about … People who assume the dominant narrative MUST BE TRUE and the dominant reasons MUST BE REAL are not experienced in how that world works,” she wrote.

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Notable Replies

  1. I read that as Naomi Watts and I was unpleasantly surprised with the picture.

  2. Good old Naomi. The left’s answer to Steve King.

  3. And what is her take on climate change, the President’s birthplace, BP oil spill and the moon landing?

  4. Avatar for glans glans says:

    She raised questions. She was right to do so.

  5. EvEnts Are STAged BY LIBtards TO drAW us iNTO WaRs BAsed ON faCts thaT are In NO WAY staged. FAmouS staGEd evenTs:

    TeRRorIST beHEAdings -War agaiNst sYRIA
    9-11 - War agAINST iraq
    GULF of TONkin - War AgaINSt VIetnam
    PEarL HArbor - war AGAINSt JApan
    The MAIn Incident - War AGAInst CUBA
    AliEN Autopsy - War AGAInst Space ALIens
    PauL is DEAD - War AgAInst sCREAMing TEENagers
    kwanzaa - WAr agaINSt cHRIstMAS
    DInosaur BOnes - WAr agaiNSt CHristians

    THe LISt GOEs ON!!111!one!!1!!1!

    Moon LANding

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