McConnell: First Bill In GOP Senate Will Be To Approve Keystone Pipeline

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., smiles as he talks about basketball fans in his home state of Kentucky, and Louisville especially, as college basketball powerhouses and in-state rivals Kentucky and Lou... Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., smiles as he talks about basketball fans in his home state of Kentucky, and Louisville especially, as college basketball powerhouses and in-state rivals Kentucky and Louisville meet Friday in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA playoffs, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, March 25, 2014. McConnell is flanked at rear by Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) MORE LESS
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The first bill that the Republican-led Senate will bring up next year is approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, incoming Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters.

“The first item up in the new Senate will be the Keystone XL pipeline. … It will be open for amendments,” he said on Tuesday, calling it “a job creating bill that enjoys significant bipartisan support.”

The bill, which fell one vote short of defeating a Democratic filibuster last month, is expected to pass in a GOP-led Senate.

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Notable Replies

  1. Fossil fuels are on the way out.

    I’ve been researching the phenomenal gains in solar power technology and we’ll be able to rely on solar power for 100% of our energy within 15 years. The Koch brothers are profiting from a technology that is for all intents and purposes, dead.

  2. fuck mcconnell.

  3. I can see the bipartisanship from my house.

  4. Suuuure McTurtle, because with gas prices low and the cost of a barrel of oil plummeting these days, the whole fucking thing is so absolutely unnecessary for the country now. Stick to defending dirty KY coal, asshole. And btw, its never been about jobs. We don’t need it and it is 3x’s more carbon-producing intensive to get that heavy sludge oil out of the ground, increasing man-made climate change at an ridiculous rate.

    I hope the President announces the day before they bring up this nutty divisive bill, that he’s made up his mind based on the best information available, that the entire Keystone is an absolute no-go…not on his watch at least. Its his decision anyway. And if a bill comes his way, he can always veto the damn thing without losing the support of any of his Democratic base, who he’ll truly need in his corner over the next two years, while weak-kneed and likely to be disgraced Dems in Congress slowly capitulate to Republican demands. This has always been a Republican dirty energy give-away. It profits and helps no one except their rich donors who expect to get their payday from giving to all those low-down dirty campaigns. And Mary Landrieu is already toast, so she’s no longer a factor either.

    Plus, they already screwed over one Native American tribe with the CRapnibus bill. The Keystone bill would take over land rights controlled by a different tribal community and they’ve said they want no such thing going through their land. I say we need to respect that.

  5. Avatar for anniew anniew says:

    Maybe he can waste time passing the same thing 40+ times like the House did with repealing Obamacare. And Obama can veto it.

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