Sheriff: Shooter Had Cameras Inside And Outside His Hotel Room

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announces at the Las Vegas Police headquarters that officer Kenneth Lopera will be prosecuted for the in-custody death of Tashii Brown, Monday, June 5, 2017.  Elizabeth Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal
Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo speaks during a news conference at the Las Vegas Police headquarters Monday, June 5, 2017. Officer Kenneth Lopera was arrested Monday and accused of involuntary manslaughter in the k... Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo speaks during a news conference at the Las Vegas Police headquarters Monday, June 5, 2017. Officer Kenneth Lopera was arrested Monday and accused of involuntary manslaughter in the killing of an unarmed man with a martial arts-type neck hold after a chase through a Las Vegas Strip casino, authorities said. (Elizabeth Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP) MORE LESS
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Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo confirmed Tuesday that the alleged gunman behind the massacre in Las Vegas had positioned cameras in- and outside of his hotel room before shooting into a crowd of outdoor concert-goers hundreds of yards away.

“I’m not aware of any transmission but there was cameras,” Lombardo told a reporter at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. “There was cameras outside of the room and inside of the room along with the firearms.”

He added: “I anticipate he was looking for anybody coming to take him into custody.” 

The Washington Post, citing two unnamed people close to the investigation, reported Tuesday that alleged gunman Stephen Craig Paddock “used remote video cameras linked to a tablet in order to keep an eye out for police storming his hotel room.”

Lombardo also said Tuesday that officials had identified all but three victims of the shooting, which has claimed 59 lives.

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Notable Replies

  1. This whole incident is how an episode of Black Mirror starts

  2. Well, terrorist don’t plan this well. Had to be a mentally disturbed person… that’s it.

  3. Fascinating.

    So what were the make and model of the guns? When and where did he buy them? Did he buy a fully automatic machine gun(s) (tripods suggest he did) or convert an assault weapon(s) himself?

    Any chance he was licensed by ATF to own a fully automatic gun? Believe it or not, such licenses exist.

    Who knew about this collection of guns?

    What did Marilou Danley know and know about this plot?

  4. He was using bump stock units which effectively turn semi-automatics into automatics, but technically “don’t” because of the machine action.

    Besides, it doesn’t matter:

    Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) on Tuesday reiterated a normal Republican talking point that gun laws don’t affect gun violence, with a twist: It’s the existence of “sanctuary cities” that creates a lawless culture fostering mass shootings like the one in Las Vegas, he said.

  5. This only proves Alex Jones right. There’s no way that Deep State would have bothered to create fake CGI videos of this guy being the actual shooter unless it was part of a false flag operation to embarrass Trump and overturn the 2nd Amendment. Don’t trust your lying eyes, sheeple! There’s only one truth and it’s whatever conservatives need it to be at any moment. This is their world and we only live in it.

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