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Graham Had Ayotte’s Kids Answer His Phone After Trump Shared Number

El senador Lindsey Graham, republicado por Carolina del Sur, hace la señal de la victoria tras ser reelegido el martes 4 de noviembre de 2014, en Columbia, Carolina del Sur. Graham derrotó al senador estatal demóc... El senador Lindsey Graham, republicado por Carolina del Sur, hace la señal de la victoria tras ser reelegido el martes 4 de noviembre de 2014, en Columbia, Carolina del Sur. Graham derrotó al senador estatal demócrata Brad Hutt, de Orangeburg. (Foto AP/Rainier Ehrhardt) MORE LESS
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After Donald Trump recited fellow Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) phone number in front of a crowd in South Carolina, Graham’s cell phone has been flooded with calls. But the senator seems to be taking the incident in stride.

Washington Post reporter Ed O’Keefe spotted Graham at a movie theater in Washington, D.C. on his way to see “Minions” with Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and her children. Graham said that he has been answering many of the calls that come in, many of which have been positive, according to the Washington Post.

“Half of the calls are saying, ‘Keep it up,'” Graham told the Post.

Graham hasn’t been the only one answering the flood of calls, however. On his way to movies on Tuesday night, Graham handed his phone to Ayotte’s kids to pick up a few of the many incoming calls.

“The mailbox is definitely full,” Ayotte’s son said before heading into the theater, according to the Post.

Earlier in the day, Graham joked on Twitter that he was thinking of getting a new phone.

Trump shared Graham’s phone number on Tuesday after Graham called Trump a “jackass” on Tuesday morning.

“Run for President, but don’t be the world’s biggest jackass,” Graham said on CBS’ “This Morning” in response to Trump’s inflammatory remarks about Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).

Graham answered his phone when Politico tried the number Trump provided in his speech.

“When it comes to the Donald, nothing surprises me anymore,” Graham told Politico on Tuesday. “It’s just too bad, really.”

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  1. (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

  2. Avatar for tao tao says:

    In other unreported news, scientists have generally concluded it is too late to stop global warming and are looking into survival strategies.

  3. Clown antics from the clown car. Whoda thunk?

  4. “…spotted Graham at a movie theater in Washington, D.C. on his way to see “Minions” with Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and her children.”

    Um, what? If Graham was - well, different - I’d say there was something going on between them. CLEARLY, that’s not the case. But, to me at least, this comes across as really creepy.

  5. I am more interested in candidates’ credit scores. It is used world wide as a barometer of trustworthiness and fiscal responsibility. Why aren’t politicians’ credit scores always flashing on the screen alongside their pictures?

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