Drunk Man With Pellet Gun Arrested On Way To Oregon Standoff, Threatens Cops

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Law enforcement arrested a man on his way to join the standoff at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon on Monday who appeared to be intoxicated and told officers that he was going to kill them.

Officers responded to a call about an armed man at a local market in Hines, Oregon, who said he wanted to join the militiamen leading a weeks-long standoff at the federal wildlife refuge, according to the Harney County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

Video recorded by the Oregon State Police shows a Harney County Sheriff’s deputy approaching Joseph Stetson, who said he was on his way to Burns, Oregon, after initially forgetting the name of town in which the refuge is located. Stetson told the officer that he wanted to “protect” the Bundys and act as their “personal guard.”

The deputy then placed Stetson, who was armed with a pellet gun, in handcuffs, which sent Stetson on a rant about how he would kill the officers.

“I will kill all of you. You don’t believe me?” he told the deputies present. “If I go to jail and when I come out, I will kill you.”

He then said that “you damn sons of bitches are freaking Nazi Germany.”

Stetson tried to wiggle away from the deputies as they tried to pat him down, calling them “Obama sons of bitches.”

He said that he would not kill state troopers, but other officers.

“State troopers, I’m the last hope,” he said.

Throughout the encounter, Stetson repeatedly said that he was a colonel in the army and that his records were sealed by President Ronald Reagan.

“I’m going to Burns, Oregon, and I’m going to kill one of those mother fuckers,” Stetson said as the deputies placed him in the back of a police car.

According to The Oregonian, Stetson pleaded guilty to burglary in 2009 after he destroyed a mobile home. When officers made their initial arrest of Stetson in 2009, he refused to leave the mobile home before finally surrendering.

Watch the video from the Oregon State Police:

Correction: This post originally stated that Stetson said “State troopers are the last hope” during his arrest. He said, “State troopers, I’m the last hope.”

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  1. … a true flower of Amurken manish-boyhood…

    … I can sleep soooo much more peacefully at night now…

  2. Given his obvious intelligence, I assume he’s a Republican.

  3. Avatar for bkmn bkmn says:

    I think we have found Rump’s VP.

  4. … watch out for Laughing Fish…

  5. So the sheriff is the top legitimate authority, but his deputies are bad, and state troopers are good. It’s almost like these guys don’t know how law enforcement works!

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